Just like in human medicine, we have some of the best veterinary hospitals around. Both Tufts University and Angell Memorial are world renown. And there are, of course, many others: including the amazing group of hospitals that make up InTown, which is where I work. We also have an amazing competition scene; Paw Print Trials, who serves as secretary for many of the top 10 agility trials in the entire US, is based right here...and many of those high-entry trials are held here in Massachusetts. We have some of the best world competitors and trainers at facilities that are an easy hour or so drive in any direction from where I live: Ken Fairchild, Julie Daniels, Lo Baker, Celeste Meade, and Leslie Nelson are all here.
There are several dog parks, dog friendly state parks and beaches, hiking trails and open fields that are heaven to any dog looking for a little exercise and some bonding time with mom or dad. The weather is always changing; you can enjoy all of those afore mentioned places during the hot dog-days of summer, the crisp coolness of autumn, the chilly snow of winter and sunny rebirth of spring. And with all of the changes the seasons bring, also bring a variety of other activities that you can enjoy during them: skiijoring and sledding, hiking and swimming, kayaking and canoeing, and of course indoor and outdoor dog shows.
But as wonderful as all those reasons are, there is one reason that I regularly over looked...until yesterday: living within easy driving distance of the PetEdge warehouse!
Now, for those of you who don't know about PetEdge (PetEdge.com), it is a pet supply company that usually sells to retailers...but also sells to the general public as well; they not only sell to you and I, but we get the same WHOLE SALE prices that the retailers get! Check them out the next time that you're looking for great prices on everything from crates to beds, toys to bowls and every grooming supply that you could ever want or need! Their prices can't be beat!
Now although I have been aware of their company (and my close proximity to their warehouse!) for many years, I never took so much advantage of their great pricing and good deals as I did yesterday. I had received an email from them about a week ago about a three day sale they were having at their warehouse only. Money has still been a little tight, so although I didn't delete it, I wasn't really planning on going. I didn't NEED anything at this particular time (although being a Sheltie owner I could probably always use SOMETHING...) so I wasn't as excited about it as I probably could have been at some other point. But then a friend of mine said that she had gone down and got a GREAT deal on some beds. So, as I found myself off on Saturday with nothing to do but brush the girls, I took the drive down. What the heck, I thought. Maybe I'll get something at a steal.
Now, the entire warehouse store was NOT on sale; the great deals only applied to the clearance room. So I strolled around there looking for something I could USE...not just something I wanted, but something I could put to use to justify spending the money. First I found a cordless nail grinder. That is something that I could definitely use and had always wanted. The box was damaged, but all parts were accounted for and it was only 7 bucks. So I grabbed it. I then bought a small clipper, as I've found that just scissoring a "sani-strip" on their hind ends isn't quite cutting it. The clippers were 21 bucks. When I got to the counter, I found out that I already had a 13 dollar credit on my account from a previous return. Sweet! I paid the difference and told the girls that we were leaving...
It's a good thing we didn't! I happened to hear some of the employees talking about bringing some more stuff into the clearance room. So, leaving my bag of purchased items at the counter, I went back in. And that's where I spotted a set of these:
I had been WAITING to be able to afford a set of stairs or ramp for the side of my bed so Heidi can get on and off; Shelby has always been able to jump on and off, but my Heidi has never been able to do it. I've always lifted her on or off the bed; which got a little difficult when I wasn't allowed to lift anything over 10lbs. after I had my stent placed...
The sticker on this "marked down" set, was $67.99. It was still a lot (a lot more than I had planned on spending that day, anyways...) but I knew that they were in the catalog for over $100. So I brought them to the counter.
When the cashier rang them up, the price came to:
(get ready for it!!)
Yes. That's right. I paid ELEVEN DOLLARS for something that is still priced online for $127! I felt like that crazy lady in the IKEA commercial when she looks at her receipt and then RUNS to the car where her husband is waiting screaming "START THE CAR! START THE CAAAARRR!!"
I hurried the girls out, into the car, and sped out of that parking lot as if it were a chase scene from "Chips". I think I even left a little rubber (and flying dog hair!) behind.
I still am proud of my excellent bargain, and felt the need to share it with all of my dog friends out there in blogger land. I hope you all are finding bargains in this tough economy too! We can't forget the needs (and lets face it, wants!) of our furry friends!
Take care everyone, and here are some pictures of Heidi enjoying her new stairs. True to Sheltie form, she figured out how to use them and remembered where they were in a few short "up and down" sessions (with liver enticements of course!) The last pic is so Shelby gets some "face time" too.

Those are the same ones I bought Molly! Aren't they the best???? She is finally (well, sort of) using them.
ReplyDeleteAren't Shelties the smartest dogs ever? I'm not surprised the girls worked it out in no time at all :)
ReplyDeleteWow - great deal on those steps. I am always shocked at the high prices when I see them in catalogs. So glad to hear that Heidi has her "independence" now :)
ReplyDeleteI only live 30 minutes from the Mass. border, and a lot of people in my agility classes were in Granby, MASS. this weekend competing in the CPE nationals! Lucky them!
I love the posts about your Shelties, and you make New England sound so great, we can't wait to visit!!
ReplyDeleteWow that was a great deal! We dont have Ikea , so I didnt know that commercial but you had me laughing any way. My friend one time got a pair of pants from Kohls for 1.49, she was so excited. My daughter was little when this happened and she still rememebers it. Lol. Diana
ReplyDeleteWOW! What a great place to go shopping for the dogs...I'm a bit envy ;o) Love the stairs to the bed for the dogs!
What a great deal! I was bugging my husband to build steps for my previous sheltie Bonnie when she got too old to jump on and off the bed, but we never did. You're right, picking up a Sheltie and putting her on and off the bed can get a bit too much. Plus sometimes they try to jump off when they're not supposed to be jumping. The stairs are perfect!